The current manual offline verification process lacks efficiency and creates serious issues for both partners involved in the process:
Issuing Authorities University, colleges, licensing body, employers, other IA |
Requesters Verification agencies, employers, alumni |
Our secure web platform DigiFlow overcomes the inefficiencies of the current offline process by providing online access to education and employment verification information, ensuring a verification either through:
Cross checking against the digital records of a university, college, licensing body, employer or others issuing autharity (Fully Automated Instant Verification).
By an issuing Authority officially logging into the platform and screening given documents (Auto-mated Verification with manual interface).
The benefits for Issuing Authorities and Requesters using the DigiFlow solution include:
Issuing Authorities University, colleges, licensing body, employers, other IAs |
Requesters Verification agencies, employers, alumni |
EFFICIENCY - Significant time reduction to complete verifications. ACCURACY - Removing the scope for human error through an automated process. SECURITY - Multiple security touch-points before sign in to ensure genuine users only. CONTROL - Audit trail and customizable dashboards for the Issuing Authority officials. AUTHENTICITY - Robust, tamper-proof and credible verification reports with unique security features. EXCELLENCE - Seamless user experience for the requester and partner IAs. |
USER-FRIENDLY - Simple and intuitive user interface CONVENIENCE Secure and easy online payment SPEED- Fast turnaround time AUTHENTICITY - Written verification with a double layer of security READINESS - Verification available 24*7*365 CONTROL - Personalised dashboard access for stored verification reports and easy download. |